The Uppity-Negro demonstrates, perhaps unintentionally, one more good reason for African-Americans to represent in the Republican Party.
[. . .] In 1983, when he was a young congressman during the Reagan administration, Gingrich sparked a controversy when he said: "It is in the interest of the Republican Party and Ronald Reagan to invent new black leaders, so to speak. People who have a belief in discipline, hard work and patriotism, the kind of people who applauded Reagan's actions in [invading] Grenada." The idea still applies, he said.
As a black republican who defied Reagan over Grenada I agree with Gingrich in his provocation. What does it say about the African-American political sophistication when the 'evil' whiteboys can create a more popular black icon than blackfolks themselves? It says that both blacks and whites are afraid of integration. Integrated places don't need all that, proving the Republican Party isn't truly integrated. Fine. There's only one true solution and that has to come from the masses of black voters. Unless and until they do so, scams of the foolish will continue.
It should go without saying that the entire success of the Republican Party over the past two decades has been all about grass roots work coupled with top-down scheming. The bottom up stuff is what Howard Dean's supporters are all excited about, because there hasn't been a true Demoratic populist since Lawton Chiles. Hell, this is what Nader showed in 2000, but I digress. African Americans have an open invitation to feed at the Republican trough, but by and large they are chickenshit. C'est la vie.
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