Nobody wants to give Condi Rice five on the black hand side. Her image is so overloaded by the tirades of the tired black radical left that she's not even considered a person any longer, much less one with a heart and a soul.
But as Crispus has discovered, Condi has been engaged (gasp!) in Black Ops. So there.
I'm not down with the role monkey circus, so I'm not going to spend a lot of time saying how wonderful a person Rice may or may not be. But something about her choice of associates is pretty interesting to me. I'm speaking of Jendayi Frazer in particular. In fact, by looking at the pictures here, it appears that the entire Republican agenda on AIDS is run by blackfolks, not all of whom are even Republicans.
BTW, it's good to see and hear black libertarians. While I think most American Libertarians might as well be French for the amount of practical influence they have on Congressional Legislation it's always nice to hear them speak up, as they often have notable things to say on matters of economics and (of course) Liberty. And there's a good chance that black Libertarians could neutralize some of their post-modernist yuppie crap in the process. So long as they're not Socialists or Anarchists, I consider them on my side of the fence. More power to them.
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