Umoja, meaning unity.
I tried to buy a Charlie Brown tree this year. No such luck. I'm trying to have Kwanzaa lite this year. Maybe I'll be more successful. It's amazing that people have managed to convince themselves that Christmas itself is under attack. What a bunch of maroons. Of course I have been too busy and too happy eating all of the abundance of homemade grub to pay much attention. In fact, I think we've gone through more eggnog this year than any in memory. But I'm also tightening the belt and taking it light in multiple dimensions.
So instead of getting into yet another pointless pissing match with Michelle Malkin (although I have yet to be provoked). I'm going to change the pose on the poster child that is me and give the Official Guide to Kwanzaa Lite, A Compendium of Authentic Yet Spiritually and Intellectually Inexpensive Actvities for the Kwanzaa Season.
Today's Kwanzaa Lite Theme is Unity
That means everybody in the family has to agree to do three things together and stick it out to the bitter end. We're going to play that favorite game 'Life' by Parker Brothers. We're also going to finish watching Oliver! the musical and everybody is going to watch it all the way to the end without getting up and going to do something else. We're also going to all do the Kwanzaa thing together tonight before dinner.
Since this is the first day, we've got to get the basics in order. We've already got the old kinara and the mkeke still has some wax splatters on it from Kwanzaas past, but it's in good shape. All we have are a few ears of Kwanzaa corn. Right now, I'm going to run out to Rite Aid and see if they have all the colored candles I need. Actually, that's the hardest part. Finding the right hues of red black and green is a real pain, especially if you want to get them all in the same size. I should have done that earlier, but I am in time. So I'll check with y'all tomorrow, and I'll let you know who won in Life.
BTW: If you prefer a more expensive and serious approach, then click HERE.
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