Ding Dong, Tookie's a dead man walking. Which old Tookie? The wicked Tookie.
I never really had any serious doubts that Arnold would do the right thing. It's all over but the eternal sleeping. So our governor has tossed a cold bucket of water on the hopes of those who would try to make this character into some sort of role-model. As if anybody needed one. Oh what a world, what a world.
Now that the inevitable is inevitable, what do you say? I say thanks to Arnold for keeping it real, and a hearty HA to those who thumb their noses at justice. Every case isn't a capital case, and every capital case isn't clear-cut. But this one was. So says the Governor and the Federal Appellate Court in San Francisco.
In the case of the People vs Stanley Williams, the people won, finally. The arc of justice is long, but it bends towards the people.
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