1. What do you attribute to the plight of black men?
2. What are some things we can do to assist black youth?
3. What part does racism play in the plight of black men?
4. Do you believe Conservatives actually care about this issue or using it as an extension of the "Southern Strategy"?
5. What role has Liberal policies played in the state of black men?
6. What would you do to alleviate the hopelessness that plague man young black men?
1. The Ghetto.
The ghetto was designed, built and maintained to isolate blackfolks from the benefits of the mainstream of America. Jim Crow worked so well, that the Nationalists of South Africa took it as a model for Apartheid when they came to power in 1948. Living inside the ghetto during your formative years encapsulates your life so that you believe that it is your destiny. And so millions of ghetto folks have basically come to love the ghetto and expect nothing different for themselves or others whom they think are the same as themselves. This is appropriately called 'The Ghetto Mentality'. There is only one thing new about this in the past 50 years, which is that the success of commercial hiphop has broadcast this mentality back into the ghetto. It is thereby reinforced in a new way upon ghetto folks and folks external to the ghetto. The ghetto is incapable of destroying or reforming itself. It was a prison to begin with and it remains a prison today - except that some people are proud of it.
2. Duh.
Remove said pauper from the ghetto and educate them. cf Carter G. Woodson, Booker T. Washington & a million other teachers.
3. 7.5%
4. That Depends
If you are talking about black conservatives, then the answer is no. If you are talking about libertarian conservatives, the answer is no. If you are talking about conservatives in the blogosphere, the answer is no. If you are talking about racist conservatives, then the answer is yes. How many conservatives are racist? I answered that in question number 3. How many of those racist conservatives have a racist agenda with the GOP, none that get any play or props in the national party. See David Duke, Pat Buchanan for examples, your ghetto may vary.
The Southern Strategy has been followed up with about 50 other strategies since the 50s which most people who flap their lips about the GOP have no clue about. Be that as it may, the very presumption that the plight of the black underclass is bound in politics is a liberal fallacy which has been essentially disproven. There will never be a liberal administration in American government which will specifically target and save the black underclass. The Republicans will tell you this in a heartbeat, the Democrats never will. Or to put it in their words, 'Keep hope alive!'.
5. 7.5%
6. Reinstate the Draft
There are several places for the relatively low-skilled American male who is not a criminal. Most of them involve jobs that don't fit the profile of the ghetto fabulous. Black Nationalism has done great things, but it has also overproduced in a way that is particularly noticeable now. It has created outsized egos in the heads of young black men who sustain an inordinate amount of false pride. They think they better than they actually are, and that they have nobody to answer to. They don't answer to black women. They don't answer to God. They don't answer to law & order. They don't answer to their families. They don't answer to their communities. In a way, this false pride only reveals a true lack of self, all explainable of course by the Ghetto Mentality. And since nobody will dislodge them from the ghetto for any purposes other than jail, which only accellerates the bad, the situation pretty much festers. It dries up like a raisin in the sun; it doesn't explode worth jack.
The draft would put thousands of ghetto men to productive useful work. It has always been thus since the dawn of civilization, and even before that. Men who cannot find their way to independence need to be put to work, lest they become predators on society. The Armed services are not afraid of ghetto boys and will straighten out any nonsense notions they have accumulated by dint of their ghetto isolation from the real world. They will either sink or swim, but they will have been given the same deal as billions of men throughout history - the chance to serve their country with honor, dignity and respect, even if they're just dishwashers or truck drivers.
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