Snoop Dogg just got fired.
simoniker writes "Midway CMO Steve Allison has been talking about why he thinks the urban game genre isn't worth entering, suggesting of the cancelled Snoop Dogg/John Singleton collaboration Fear & Respect, which was in development at Midway: 'We killed Fear and Respect... because we have enough data-points to know the hood thing is basically dead. It would be dead before it came out. And you don't want to come out on a dead vibe.' Do people really not care about GTA-style urban shooters any more?"
Anything that empties the future pockets of John Singleton & Snoop Dogg is cool with me. I think they played themselves. It's time for their time to be over. Snoop hasn't said anything in rap worth saying since Gin & Juice and Singleton's attempts at gritty urban drama in 'Four Brothers' just doesn't cut it. So anything that gets them out of future markets with their same tired formulas is just peachy.
Having said so, I enjoyed the hell out of the experience of being low man on the ghetto pole in GTA San Andreas, for about ohh 30 maybe 40 hours of play. Then the grind of Do or Die just became tiresome, just as did the suspension of morality one has to engage to enjoy shooting cops and trifling bangers. Not that destruction in and of itself should be off-limits in gaming, just that doing so on the wrong side of the battle of good vs evil is something I simply can't sustain, nor much recommend. Revulsion gets you in the end, and for those who don't have this problem, well, the smaller that market the better.
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