The other day at Booker Rising I posted lyrics to a Fishbone song which was quite ragingly profane as an example of why Fishbone rocks harder than Living Colour (a little fan rivalry between myself and Shay Riley). I know there are many folks who read this blog and see the occasional f bomb, and during various points of my publication I have wrestled with my willingness to use dirty words. And so while I challenge myself as a writer to be variantly expressive, in the end I must admit that Lenny Bruce has the last word.
"There is a difference, you know, between a big piece of art with a little shit in the middle and a big piece of shit with a little art in the middle. One is a big piece of art and the other is a big piece of shit."
While I have no problems apologizing for the occasional turd, I do hope readers will find Cobb to be a big piece of art.
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