If only for one day, wouldn't it be grand to have had Christopher Hitchens on the Council of Foreign Relations? With all the cliched comparisons to Hitler being lobbed at Crazy A, he of all Westerners might have some original verbal smackdowns to deliver. As it stands, Iran's enfant terrible is having the field day of a diplomat's bratty daughter, and no one dares point an unpolite finger. All they can do is not show up. Are we precisely that lame?
It seems to me that all of this embarrassed and huffy avoidance of the man is just the kind of snot-nosed puffery that emboldens him. It seems to me that the proper thing for the Bush Administration to have done was to send some sort of arrogant envoy to deliver a message. His daughter, or perhaps Ari Fleisher. 'Daddy says you can't sit at the grownups table him until you clean up your room'. But along with this message, a nice dressing down would have done nicely. I'm thinking someone of the tenor of Robert Bork. Of course I've come to expect a lack of imagination and panache from W. He simply doesn't have enough Kinky Friedman in him.. does Texas rather poorly in that regard.
Still, it would have been nice..
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