City, country, age, gender, educational background, profession, hobbies, how they define themselves politically, favorite sites, etc. sort of thing.
To this I would add: tell us something interesting about yourself — especially something most people don’t know.
It has proved an interesting thread, and I’d like to try it here. I’ll start:
Redondo Beach, California; USA; 45; male; Undergrad at USC & Cal State in Computer Science; Business Intelligence Project Mgr. I'm married with three kids, two in middle school and one in elementary school.
I enjoy gaming, cycling, volleyball, music (I play bass guitar a little and have composed a little funk and ambient music), reading (especially spy novels & historical fiction like Neal Stephenson), and geeky science stuff. And action movies.
I am a moderate conservative meaning I'm more authoritarian than libertarians (there's no such thing as a libertarian army) but don't believe in a vengeful God or the politics of prudery.
My favorite blogs are the Belmont Club, Counterterrorism Blog, Patterico, Emergent Chaos, Jimi Izrael, Booker Rising, American Digest and TechCrunch. I think I don't read nearly enough.
When I was a kid I once poured a gallon of gasoline on a BBQ grill which exploded in a fireball that was visible for blocks. I once had a shoulder length jheri curl and I once danced on top of a speaker in a disco with Rosie Perez. On the other hand I never had a drink of alcohol until I was 26 and one of my proudest moments was my Confirmation into the Episcopal Church at the age of 16. I made Who's Who of Outstanding High School Students. I'm extraordinarily self-centered and completely adrift about how exactly to present myself. And so I write.
How about you?
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