I've known for a couple days that the pigs are squealing again. This time it that the paragon of blackness that is Harold Ford, Jr. is poked as a playboy by a political attack ad. Considering the dirt I've heard on the Ford clan in Tennessee politics, the worst may be yet to come.
I engaged the imaginary enemy in my head yesterday thinking whether or not it would be worth the time to comment on this silliness. Now I suppose I must.
I like Ford. He's a Blue Dog and stands with me on the question of illegal immigration. He represents what I think of when I think of the second generation of post-Civil Rights African American pols. Polished, professional, and a whole lot more mainstream than their fathers. The question about Ford and the others is whether or not they have the fortitude or desire to rescue black politics. The jury is still out, although of the litter, I most like Michael Steele - no surprise there. (I wonder if Ford could get a Russell Simmons endorsement, or oreos thrown at him). But Ford is a bright guy, and I think he's tough too, and I would be awfully surprised if he would even stoop to calling this ad against him racist. If he did, then I would lose a substantial amount of respect for him.
At any rate, the ad in question alleges and intimates that Ford has connections to the porno industry and it illustrates this by having a bunny wink ask for a phone call. Some NAACP flack is saying this raises the spectre of miscegenation and sends a coded message to a presumably racist Republican base that Ford , if elected, would have his way with (gasp) white women. Somebody from the NAACP ought to ask him point blank if he ever had sex with a white woman. I mean that's what it's all about, neh?
I'm not particularly surprised by this ridiculous development. It sounds just like the CREtins (as in Civil Rights Establishment) to insist that no responsibilities go hand in hand with the opportunities of equality. So their protected classes can be Senators but they can't actually be criticized for trying. They can be the equal of white men, but not sleep with white women, nor get in trouble for hanging with porno queens. That's the one way racial ratchet racket. Up, but never down.
But more insidious and engraining of actual racism is the assumption that everybody sees interracial sex the way the NAACP assumes 'racist Republicans' see it, and therefore political speech must be devoid of any image or message that suggests such an interpretation. That's Orwellian. That's today's NAACP. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Ford has two feet. He should stand on them, but use one of them to kick this nonsense to the curb, and in so doing prove once and for all what the NAACP's pandering is worth.
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