If you believe the Beatles, then all you need is love. If you ask the New York Times, all you need is money. Somewhere out there is 1.3 Trillion dollars just floating around. All we need to do is take it from the bad people and give it to the good people and we can solve all of our problems. Aren't we fortunate to have the genius of the Democrats to tell us exactly which pockets to pick in order to deliver utopia? Vote for Hillary!
The problem is, of course, we already voted for the Clintons and they didn't deliver the first time around.
Universal health care is a great idea. I like it, seriously. But we obviously have to deal with the people who are in the business of delivering it today. They're not in Iraq. One thing has nothing to do with the other, but who knows, maybe that's what Obama or Christopher Dodd or Edwards might promise. We'll just convert Martin Marrietta into a health insurance company, right?
Putting the annual cost of war in perspective means evaluating the cost of not making war on your enemies, period. How about some honesty around here people?
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