I've only heard various outtakes of the now infamous 'Baldwin Call', and flipping through the TV I fell into a pile of Nancy Grace, whomever she is on CNN. Seriously, is she the thing that even Greta Van Susteren wouldn't stoop to become? Well she was shrill tonight. That's entertainment.
This time I heard, what sounded like the whole thing, and of course it made perfect sense to me.
Having been part of an ugly custody thing, I sympathize with Baldwin because I know, as perhaps nobody on that show knows, that when a Family Court orders visitation rules, they are not suggestions. If you are supposed to call at 10:30pm Eastern Time, then that is when you are supposed to call. If you miss your calls, it can be used against you in court. Depending on how acrimonious the battle is, two weeks of missed calls can be it. Say it's the kid's birthday, or some special occasion, and one parent says the other is not even taking the time...
Kids know what's up. They know when they are supposed to have their phone calls. An 8 year old knows, just like they know when it's recess or lunch time. The calls are supposed to be like clockwork - that's part of the arrangement. Now this call sounded like somebody's cell phone was off when it should have been on. Let's not be coy. 70% of the kids at my kid's middle school have cell phones, it's nothing special for a millionaire's kid. It could be neglect or it could be manipulation. Either way, if Dad is missing his visitation calls, it's he said she said in court. Yes, you have to bust your ass to make your calls, especially if you know the other parent is going to make hay out of it. Kids know it too.
So exactly how does a father's personal visitation phone call get leaked to the press? It gets leaked in order to make a case in the court of public opinion by a desperate parent, or slimy attorney or a treacherous staff member. Nobody could possibly think Baldwin did it or wanted it.
As for the 'pig' comment. I can only say a couple things. Number one, the whole crushing the child's psyche argument is a lot of hooey. The kid's parents are divorced and they hate each other. That's the elephant. A dad gets pissed because his daughter can't remember something simple like leaving her phone on so he can talk to her, that's real. Especially when it can cost his visitation.
Number two. He didn't call her a nappy headed ho. But even if he did, losing child custody is 10 times worse than losing a job. There cannot be a Family Judge so cruel in all of the US. No matter what the shameless 'victims rights' pimps say on CNN.
Not that it's any of our business.
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