1. We shouldn't have gone in the first place.
1a. Because Bush is an idiot.
1b. Because Bush is a warmonger.
1c. Because Bush is a war profiteer.
1d. Because Bush is deceptive.
2. We should have gone but got out already.
2a. Because Iraq is never going to be a democracy.
2b. Because we already hurt AQ enough.
2c. Because we can't hurt AQ enough.
2d. Because they're all going to kill each other anyway.
2e. Because it's too expensive.
3. We should not have gone at all.
3a. Because AQ was not in Iraq
3b. Because we're rallying Jihadis.
3c. Because we didn't have enough in the coalition.
4. We can't afford to lose Iraq
4a. Because it would reneg our promise to the Kurds.
4b. Because genocide will ensue.
4c. Because we have strategic interests in the Middle East.
4d. Because it hurts the American military.
5. Democracy In Iraq
5a. Is possible only with American help
5b. Is not possible at all.
5c. Already existed before the War
5d. Is possible without American help.
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