Well I got a smile for everyone I meet
As long as you don't try dragging my bay
Or dropping the bomb on my street.
-- The Pretenders
I've listened to Hewitt badger Tony Snow this afternoon on the mysterious immigration reform package with McCain's name on it. It sounds like a Swiss Army Knife with a main blade that's only 3 inches long, just a whole lot of crap thrown together so that it looks attractive from every angle.
You want to stick it to The Man? Businesses get fined for hiring, 5k per pop on first offense, and a progressively harsher. You want to defend business? High skill workers get extra points. Want to stem the hoards? Family members who aint kids don't get to come. Want to keep millions here? Nobody has to go back? Hate Spanish? You have to pass English proficiency.
As soon as I heard there was a point system involved, I knew that this was a bastard tar baby of a bill. So I hate it. I also think that it's probably the best that the numbskulls in Congress can do. It punishes everybody, including people who wanted the wall and were promised we'd get one. Considering how little has been done on that (and this bill requires less wall), I have no kind of faith that this one will get done. Get passed, yes. Get signed by Bush, sure. Get done? No freakin way. It's full of holes.
First of all, if I had 5000 cash to spare, I would get in line and get one of these new biometric foolproof ID cards. I mean what a great deal. Who cares if I don't get citizenship for 13 years. I've got an unassailable ID. I'll be Marcus Biko from Botswana. Who's going to prove I'm not? I was clever enough to get over here, sorry I don't have any records of that, I destroyed them out of paranoia. Do I have any relatives in Botswana? No my family was killed. Try the embassy. Do I have a bank account? No. I just show up, wait in line and get certified as Marcus Biko. Who's going to check when there are 12 million others in line too?
Speaking of the who's gonna question. Who's gonna go to which employer and start busting illegals? Some new agency with new employees? The first business with half a testicle is going to sue that proper procedures have not been followed and that every business in the country hasn't been properly notified of what those procedures are. The whole thing is going to get sidelined by some judge on the 9th Circuit as soon as Gloria Allred gets a nice juicy case. DHS is going to be stepping on INS' toes and the FBI is going to get sucked it and sidetracked. SAIC is going to get a no-bid contract on the database and the ACLU is going to go buck wild and start plinking the provisions. The whole thing will come apart in five years.
The only way to do this is one hard rule after another. Not some omnibus BS that promises half a loaf to everyone on the mount. This Congress is incapable of that miracle.
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