Let us presume the inevitability of three things.
1. America forgets about Iraq.
2. One terrorist attack succeeds on American soil through Mexico.
3. The coming immigration bill is loaded with compromise.
This is the nightmare that awaits.
- Every container ship that is unloaded by Mexicans, every truck that is driven my Mexicans, every Mexican in the transportation business will be under attack.
- Civil Libertarians will be crapping bricks and wishing for something as mild and pleasant as GTMO.
- Mexicans turning on Mexicans will be brought into media focus.
- MS 13 replaces AQ on everybody's lips.
- Vigilantes will rise.
- Tourism to Mexico will stop.
- Taco Bells will be set afire.
- Popular Latinos will become professional pets.
- Police CRASH units will be reinstated.
- Black vs Latino gang violence will escalate in the streets, in the schools, in the jails and in the prisons.
There is a world of backlash spring loaded in the politics of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California. If you thought Pete Wilson and prop 187 were harsh, you've seen nothing yet. This time, other states will get into the action. Employers who hire illegals will be punished. Public companies will be trashed. I-9 forms will become de-rigeur. American business travelers will start using passports instead of drivers licenses. English-only initiatives will resurge.
It's going to be ugly.
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