I am perfectly willing to acknowledge two classes of illegal immigrants and I wouldn't mind if the immigration bill in the sausage-making phase were to reflect this difference. I would use this analogy.
Class B Illegals - The Scofflaw
These are the folks who come over legally and for whatever reason overstay their welcome. They perhaps had an H-1B or a Student Visa and are now overdue to a trip to the INS to bring their papers up to date. They are certainly technically here illegally, but they have made I think in most cases, a good faith effort. Some are better or worse offenders, but they were essentially on the legal track.
I think of these folks rather like the car owners who bought and paid for their cars, but maybe don't have insurance, or didn't renew their registration. I think they should be fined and charged with a misdemeanor under any new immigration law. But we should not deport them - we should impound their car and not let them get it back until they fix their papers.
Class A Illegals - The Mojado
These are the people who have decided that they are not even going to try to go the legal path. Notice that this is, essentially, the 'undocumented worker'. No papers. These are people who would attempt to insinuate themselves into the System by having all of the other accouterments of American life except the most important one, citizenship.
I think of these people just like car thieves. They are using the vehicle for their own ends with no regard to the legal process of purchasing, registration or insurance. Or perhaps they are attempting to fraudulently legitimate their use. These people should be charged with a felony and deported.
I don't think we have too many cars on the road, but everyone who subverts the system destroys the commons and undermines the rule of law as well as respect for it. The only way to establish respect for the process of immigration in America is to insist on enforcement for the law. You simply cannot drive around with no plates and tags. If this system isn't fixed for real, then there is going to be road rage.
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