Something popped up on the Medved show the other day which was the anniversary of the 6 Day War. He handled the caller nicely when asked about the fragging of the USS Liberty. I don't think he handled the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy very well.
Here's the Old School position.
I make a distinction between homosexuality and a gay lifestyle. One is manufacturing the other is marketing. As I said before, I'm not gay-friendly, but I'm not anti-homosexuality. The difficulty this presents of course is with regard to gay activism which is not so concerned with the rights of homosexuals as they are with socially engineering the nation towards becoming gay-friendly. I think the country is friendly enough.
The problem with being a social conservative is really the same as being a gay activist, you employ clever rhetoric to convince people who ought not to care, to care too much - so that the question of caring becomes political. Since I am neither I rather enjoy bashing their overproductions, and naturally they say something's wrong with me. But there's nothing wrong with me, I simply don't believe in re-engineering social standing through political activism. It always makes for bad law.
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