We all expect a little graft from politicians. Fixing tickets is probably the first lesson in Corruption 101. We also expect that family members might get a favor from time to time, but the situation with Rocky Delgadillo's wife is getting ridiculous.
After stonewalling for more than a week, Delgadillo finally admitted Monday that his wife needed to get to her doctor's office in a hurry in 2004, while he was out of town. Her car wasn't running, he said, so she took his city-owned GMC Yukon and accidentally banged it into a pole.
This little escapade could not have surprised anyone familiar with Michelle Delgadillo's driving history, which has included license suspensions, failure to show proof of insurance and in 1998, a bench warrant for her various misadventures.
Rocky Delgadillo's staff handled the paperwork on his wife's 2004 accident, and the city attorney said he was unaware that a required report on the accident was never filed with the city.
Of course that doesn't explain why he thought you and I should pay for the repairs. Delgadillo said he thought it was OK for his wife to use the car. The city's policy, he claimed, is ambiguous.
Good story. Wife has to get to the hospital. Let's hope that her doctor is dead and that she has a new doctor now, that way if somebody asks for a note from the doctor, she doesn't have to provide one. In fact she can say that particular trip, well the next one, is the one the finally cleared up the condition she no longer has, since there will be no record of it at the next doctor.
It's really time for this sucker to go, and this is exactly the prurient level of comedy to which the situation must descend for apathetic LA voters to contribute towards a solution.
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