There is no such thing as black on black crime. There is simply crime.
There is nothing black people do to deserve to be victims. Bad things happen to good people.
There is nothing black people do to to generate predators. Bad people are everywhere.
There is no such thing as black justice. There is justice.
Black criminals don't deserve special punishments. Black victims don't deserve special compensation.
The fundamental rule of civilization is that we need each other and so we must learn to live together in harmony for our mutual benefit. Those that refuse are a threat.
Criminals are fundamentally sociopathic. They decide that they don't have to conform to society's rules. And so they knowingly prey on people who do follow society's rules. It is our responsibility to punish them by removing these people from society. This is a consistent principle that applies to the everyone. It's as basic as sending a misbehaving child to a corner or grounding them to their room. It goes all the way up to incarceration, deportation, and execution.
People who believe in theories of 'black on black crime' are, by definition, removing black people from the same considerations as the rest of the human race. It's racist.
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