Attending my change of heart to (temporary?) cynicism with regard to black ethnic partisanship, I'm curious briefly to recognize this change in other contexts. I wrote at Booker Rising:
I have concluded that (simply) the majority of left & centrist black politicos are trying to establish a hegemony which is directed at the fate of the 40%, and thus they will refuse any non-socialist remedies as racist. They won't hear out Moynihan, they won't pay attention to the experiences of other nations... They are essentially saying that all black politics should ever be is about racial uplift of the poor and underclass.
The consequence of that is that the black middle class will be kicked to the American curb as a non-ethnicity, and all of our previously deep black nationalist cultural creations will end up like St Patrick's Day. Mark my words, we are headed to the land of Kenan and Kel vs Chuck D. Because the serious thoughtful black middle class will ultimately become alienated from our own ethnic politics.
Fisher is picking up on the meme that 'radical black assimilationism' is a part of the system of White Supremacy. What if it is? What if blacks are becoming 'white' in the same way that the Irish became white? What if it becomes entirely reasonable to say that the comfortable black middle class is no longer black, and is free to intermarry (like we do) etc, with relatively no fetters? What if the future of the black middle class separation from the black poor and underclass procedes very predictably from this point forward through a series of 'Sista Soulja' moments that spontaneously arise in the popular culture.
I mean it's relatively easy to pick them. OJ Simpson, R Kelly. Pick a black dysfunction, give it a name and some large fraction of the black middle class will betray the race before the cock crows three times. Is this inevitable? Perhaps so. Perhaps more than any other social force on the planet, the American popular mainstream culture is the most seductive and destructive of ethnic traditions.
If that's the case, then the integration of blacks and asians and latinos will come at the cost of the purposeful perversity of multiculturalists. In other words, everybody becomes modern, interchangeable and white bread. We'll all be round pegs with round eyes. Meanwhile in search of flavor, ethnicity will become a commodity fetish. Get your freak nasty music here, get your hot and spicy food there, get you exotic beauty there, get your holistic alternative wisdom here. A smorgasborg of slightly downscale stereotypes for our consumption.
In such a system of pimping and whoring, nobody's hands are clean, and everybody gets what they want. Why not?
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