Senator John Danforth, Lt. Governor Michael Steele, and Governor Christine Todd Whitman today proudly announced the slate of Republican candidates that the RLC is endorsing in the 2007 elections. You can learn more about the candidates by checking out our brand new website design:
"We must have strong state and local candidates positioned for the years ahead. Redistricting in 2010 will be a crucial point in the political landscape, and we are determined to ensure that the Democrats do not control that process," said Lt. Gov. Steele. "That's why these candidates and others are so vital to the party's future."
"These candidates and incumbents are the kinds of leaders our nation needs – leaders who will fight for the true Republican values of fiscal restraint and local control," said
Senator Danforth.
"We have selected candidates running for local and state offices because we believe in reclaiming the Republican Party from the ground up," noted Governor Whitman. "Returning the Party to its focus on fiscal conservatism and less government interference in people's lives is a crucial goal, and one that these candidates will help us achieve."
Here's their 'about':
Inspired by a drive to get back to the fundamentals of the Republican Party, Senator John Danforth, Lt. Governor Michael Steele, and Governor Christine Todd Whitman created the political organization the Republican Leadership Council, which advocates for the historic Republican principles of liberty, individual responsibility, and personal freedom.
RLC-PAC's vision is a Republican Party that is unified by the basic tenets of fiscal responsibility and personal freedom, but that allows for diverse opinions on social issues by its members.
RLC-PAC members consider themselves True Conservative Republicans. Republicans who believe that our elected officials have a responsibility to their constituents to spend their money wisely. We believe that government should have a limited role in American’s personal lives. And we believe in a strong national defense.
The Republican Leadership Council PAC or RLC-PAC is a political action committee dedicated to supporting fiscally conservative, socially inclusive Republican candidates at all levels of government. Governor Whitman also created a 527 to advance the issues that help define Real Conservative members of the Republican Party.
RLC-PAC is NOT defined by one issue. We believe, as you can see through our diverse National Board, that people who believe in the core Republican values can find common ground on social issues.
They also have a slate of candidates. I posted that to the TCB Website.
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