A thoughtful reader hipped me to the fact that Bill Cosby has initiated an online presence and is really picking up the pace on his involvement on matters of domestic concerns. I realize that there are those who critize him for his moral lapses, some charges against him are truly disturbing, but he certainly cannot be dismissed. We all know that Cosby is the bullhorn for the sagacity of Dr. Alvin Poussaint for whom no amount of praised seemed adequate during 'The Cosby Show' years. It is with respect for the Cosby legacy and the core of Poussaint's messages - long before there was a Dr. Phil, and when Oprah was merely a millionaire, that it's time we take another serious look.
Cosby's new book, 'Come On People' strikes me immediately as a broadside of the sort that Juan Williams published last year. So the first thing in my head is that the two media stars of the first order with regard to whose voices were most prominent and respected in the late 80s with Williams' Eyes on the Prize and Cosby's television show, are standing up once again to prod and push African Americans, and they're audibly disappointed.
Cosby's is the next book I read.
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