A lot of inside political baseball socks have been knocked off by the announcement of two bombshells this week. I yawn and speculate.
Trent Lott Resigns
To spend more time with his family? How about to spend more money with his family. Dude has the opportunity to walk into some serious walking around money. And why shouldn't he? I don't think anyone has suggested he was particularly bribable as Senators go, so let him go for the dough. He obviously didn't have it coming in, and he's made a big splash in his career. I never liked Trent Lott although I forget exactly why I didn't in the days before the Strom Thurmond remark. Nor am I particularly interested in looking up why not in my own blog. Senators come and senators go. He's gone. It looks like John Kyl is in. That is to say, he is in line to become the new Senate Minority Whip. I actually do like Kyl. He's clear and forthright as politicians go. Not much doublespeak with Kyl. On the whole, I think it's a good thing.
Oprah Backs Obama
You could see this one coming a mile away. In fact, I thought it was already official. Apparently not. Fresh from handling her South African business recently, Oprah's got a new pet. That's nice. It's probably not much of a double-edged sword for Obama. I can't imagine that anyone who was for him will back away because of this, and those of us who think he can be pretty loopy on foreign policy aren't going to change our stripes because of the great Ms. Winfrey's sterling endorsement. I can imagine that his publisher is going to be pretty happy and he'll certainly get another book out if he doesn't suck up to become Veep in the next four years (given Clinton).
oh yeah and one more bombshell, but it was in the prior week.
Petraeus as Vice President
Petraeus could even make Sam Brownback electable. No matter what kind of conservative you are, you like Petraeus because he was the first leader in the entire Iraq War that made sense at the beginning and still makes sense today. But of course the killer combination would be Giuliani and Petraeus. How likely? Not bloody likely. David has got a job to do and he's still doing it. Our future security problems are not even reflections of our current ones, so it would be purely symbolic. DP ought to go to the Joint Chiefs or Sec Def. He sure as hell would make a better impression on the military than Rumsfeld, desptie Rummy's bold leadership. There's got to be another magic bullet for the ticket somewhere.
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