You know I actually went for this goofball scenario once before. You basically get drivers licenses to illegal aliens, aka undocumented workers and they become (voila) documented workers.
I understand and recognize the basic body count scenario. Illegals are going to drive. Sure they are a menace just being in the country, but if they don't know how to drive, they are a clear and present danger. Drunk drivers are much more of a threat to life limb and property than somebody who makes it harder to get a job. So you may as well let them come and get a special class of non-citizen driver's license. it is, after all, what we do for legal visitors to this country who want to drive.
But as soon as you start being practical about this and not theoretical, the whole thing falls flat.
IF I were to actually be a drunk driver and an illegal alien and I got in an accident what would happen? If I at fault, am I wait for the cops to show up? Less likely if I am not licensed in any way. Somewhat likely if I want... hmmm the protection of the legal system.
Where do I get this license anyway? Practically speaking, you reach out to everyone who might be illegal in order to grant them training and privileges. Something you refuse to do in the interest of enforcing current immigration laws. So we're going to spend all this money creating a new class of driver's license, bankroll the bureaucracy and train the illegals. With whose money?
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