If you asked me, during all the time I was a teen and a young man. In fact until I was about 22 what was my favorite movie, I would have told you The Omega Man with Charlton Heston. What an awesome movie that was. That, and the Andromeda Strain and 2001.. and I suppose Colossus, the Forbin Project, were all my vision of the future movies. I was prepared for the best and for the worst. But there was always something about being able to walk through Los Angeles and have anything you wanted that appealed to me about The Omega Man. I'll leave it at that.
The other day I saw the trailer for Will Smith's new joint. It's the Omega Man all over again. Wow. I love it. The overhead shot of him going down Broadway reminded me of another favorite sci-fi, the animated Final Fantasy. I wondered immediately how Will Smith would do it, and I thought how I would. I would start off the film with Smith crying. I would want it to be the longest montage of a man crying that has ever been put on film. I want him crying for his own personal loss. I want him crying for the loss of his friends, his family, for strangers, for work, for meaning, for all of humanity. I want him two steps beyond Tom Hanks on that desert island. Beyond hope. I want him to fall asleep crying in the middle of the street and wake up in the morning crying. I want him listless and pitiful. Until a mosquito bites him and he slaps it. Impulse. He actually hit it. He looks closely at the blood in the ridges of his fingerprints. He discovers his own body. He discovers his own mind. He becomes inventive for the sake of his own life.
A dog would help, of course.
So I really can't wait to see this movie. It was bad timing last night, and so I went to see 'No Country for Old Men' instead.
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