Once a week, and sometimes twice depending upon how sleepy I am, I take my iPod touch to bed and watch the video of John C Dvorak's Cranky Geeks. It is, without question, my favorite show on TV.
Last night I met David Spark, who is a part time comedian, but is also very well versed in the statistics around the search industry. I really like the way his discussion allows us to block and tackle what's what. He's gone video however and his video website allows for no RSS reading. Isn't there somebody somewhere who is creating a tagging format for video so that we can do the equivalent of video-browsing of vodcasts and such? I mean, Charlie Rose does exactly that at the beginning of his hourlong shows, we get a provocative highlight at the top of the hour that shows what's to come. C'mon Google, get with the program.
Anyway, I love Cranky Geeks and it's the center of my tech brain these days, even though I hate it when they have the young dorky millionaires on.
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