Over at Booker Rising, I'm squabbling over my smack talking about Obama as a foreign policy newbie and weakling. And so Brother Brown, who normaly has possesion of his faculties when he steps away from the Obama Soul Glow said:
Politics of the new millenium is going to be about conflict resolution. (At least, this is what younger voters want.) You do that by being open to talking to your enemies. Gorbachev had to be willing to talk to Reagan as he reformed the former Soviet Union, and Reagan had to be willing to talk back.
For all this bluster about experience being the key qualification, for me, it is the approach to problem solving that is the key qualification. On that count, Obama has Clinton and McCain beat by a mile.
Yeah right. He doesn't even talk to our friends, even when it was his job.
From TalkLeft
..Barack Obama acknowledged he hadn't held a single hearing on Nato and Afghanistan during his year as chair of the European Affairs subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee because he was running for President..
Hillary makes this point:
"My opponent likes to talk about what he will do, but there was a perfect example last night about the difference between talk and action,” she said yesterday, per NBC/NJ's Athena Jones. “He was given the responsibility of chairing what's called a subcommittee in the Congress responsible for the European countries and our alliance with them and as part of that responsibility was NATO… [W]hat you learned last night is he's never held a substantive hearing or meeting to look at what is going on in NATO, to take a hard look at what's happening in Europe and in fact the reason he hasn't as he said is because he got the assignment when he started running for president. Well, I don't think that's an adequate excuse.”
Anybody who thinks this lapse is not going to get hammered by John McCain is drowning in koolaid.
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