Enough Already
I am sick to death of thinking about what other people are thinking about Obama and then writing about that and then having people wonder what I'm thinking. If he and I were standing near a cliff, I'm not so sure I wouldn't push him over for all the grief he's causing.
Bear Stearns
My buddy Mr Jones has been a bit unnerved by what's going on in capital markets these days. I hear that second hand from the Spousal Unit, and that's disturbing because Jones has basically been dismissing the entire housing market correction. We all know that BSC dropped from 30 to 2 bucks over the weekend and got some specific federal bailout, but something deeper is afoot and I need to find out. So I'm piqued.
Arthur C. Clarke
Dead. I first considered myself truly intelligent when I read his classic 2001 when I was in the 6th grade. Well, it was technically the summer after I graduated from the 6th grade, but the feeling was genuine. Clarke was my first, although he had a big boost from Danny Dunn. But then came Bradbury and all the other great science fiction writers and my impeding obsession with nuclear energy. I owe that to Clarke - he made me believe in the strength of my own mind.
I am annoyed with television. I can't make it find what I want to see, and I really don't want to see what I've found in normal 4x3 normal definition. I want to see all the best movies in hi-def on a massive flat screen just for the visual excitement of it all. Which is why I am becoming a NASCAR fan. But I have neither the hi def nor the super audio. Every time I scroll through the onscreen guide I become more and more frustrated and disappointed.
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