Celebrity House Watching
I have a new guilty pleasure and hobby. That's following celebrity real estate deals in Los Angeles. David Geffen, Tom Bosley, Robert Duvall a whole boatload of others are buying and selling their mansions all over the country. This blog takes note. It makes for entertaining reading.
Sean Bell
Who? Seriously, I wonder how much the crowd is going to jump and shout over this affair. It is, perhaps, an opportunity to make an interesting point about black police officers, but I'm not going to make it. Such stories shouldn't rise to the level of politics. Support your local police.
I have a physics question. If you get a pound of uranium or some radioactive element, and you know its half-life, why isn't it already half (or more) decayed? The only answer that I can think of is that as the element decays, it becomes something else. I can't remember why I can't remember this.
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