As most Cobb readers know, my brother Doc is an LAPD officer, and I'm generally pro-cop. I also have a beef with the folks I call 'The Coalition of the Damned' which are, more or less, the folks that show up to make noises against the 'police state' which is 'perpetrating genocide' against black men.
I've looked at this thing from many angles and I think I've made my points coherently. In fact, that's generally the case for all of my conservative politics. I think I've done so well that I am concerned about the quality of my opposition. I have with the Democrat nominees taken some time to evaluate who I thought would make the best candidate. In my estimation it was Bill Richardson, who has recently come over to Team Obama. (Too bad the media cares more about Wright than Richardson, but more on Wright later). In order for my thoughtful and principled arguments to make sense, they must be contrasted with a credible opponent's that make sense. As a side dig, I was waiting to see which of the commenters in the Bell thread would be the first to mention any of the cops by name and make judgments based upon their individuality. It happened to be a defender. So I'm wondering how much of this Sean Bell stuff is signal and how much is noise.
So my question is rather, now what?
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