Into the never ending battle between the DuBoisians and the Washingtonians steps Barry Obama, a DuBoisian to his very soul. I see him very clearly as an exemplar of the Talented Tenth. His formula makes sense.
What I didn't say in this video was the extent to which Obama sees men made in material ways. This was Dennis Prager's insight yesterday. I think that too is a conceit of the Talented Tenth and speaks to its Marxist orientation. If you believe that governments are instituted among beasts and through their operations such beasts are made men, then you are of the sort of materialist who is bound to be frustrated and bitter in such a way that captures you for Obama. Thus you would see the very necessity of Obama or a similar Left rescue operation.
So again we have a very interesting week but this time I think Obama the man emerges a lot clearer.
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