I don't know if Doc Rivers is the first black NBA coach to win the championship, but he must certainly be the happiest man in America tonight. The Celtics just owned the Lakers tonight in such a convincing manner that I don't even feel so bad being a Laker fan.
The last time I played pickup ball competitively was about 16 years ago back in Boston. Even then, the game had changed and it was difficult for me to respect the new three point shot's effect on driving the lane. Showtime basketball was how I grew up. Fast breaks and full-court presses. The game of the blisteringly fast guards and the unstoppable power forwards. But when the NBA stopped running plays and tried to make everybody into the next Michael Jordan, I enjoyed the game even less. It wasn't until Detroit won a couple years ago that I felt like the team game was making a comeback. It was then, when Kobe was disgraced that I longed for a team like today's Celtics to dominate the game.
Watching this game, I was amazed at how well, fast and often the Celtics passed the rock. Not knowing all of the players (I never watch during the regular season), it was frustrating for me to see who was moving the game. I realized that contemporary ball had changed the way I even watch casually. But these Celtics are the team.
I've always liked Doc Rivers. I used to watch him occasionally when he played for Atlanta. He always had more heart than just about any player on the court. We were born in the same year and I held a little special place in my heart for the man. Now he is the man among men. My hat's off to him. It's your world Doc.
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