I actually haven't read an official obituary, but I can gather that the man has died from the number of comments in the RSS feeder. I'm going to say something that you probably won't hear anyone else say which is that American racists need democratic representation too. So when it came to Helms and Thurmond, I basically saw them as the official representatives of American white supremacists.
You will note that there is nobody immediately coming to follow in their segregationist footsteps, but at least he lived long enough to see Obama get the Democratic nomination as official as that may be.
As a Republican, people who know no Republicans tend to think that I must be trying to follow his lead. The closest they come to being correct is the fact that I once considered living in NC. Other than that, I only think of the man when forced to by such accusations. At any rate I'm sure somebody somewhere benefited from the works of his life which is ever tainted by his racist ideas. Too bad.
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