I just wanted to take a moment to recognize the new dynamic that's going on here at Cobb. We have several new folks who are taking the comments into blazingly spirited territory. Overall I think it's a good thing. I'm not going to rule over this with much of an iron hand right now because I think it's going to take some time to find equilibrium. As people become accustomed to the different styles of writing and opinions of the new players things well settle out.
I recognize most of the folks from Booker Rising and I sincerely hope that you all will take advantage of the sort of environment I'm trying to maintain, which is one of collegiality and even though Nulan sucked his teeth about it which provoked in me quite a hot rage - a community of honest inquiry. I like it when people speak from personal experience. I like it when people use references. I like it when people try to find the causes of conflict and misunderstanding and leave it at that. I am not opposed to name calling, and when I get fed up then I will tend to do it along these lines (as vanderluen exemplified a few days ago - 'jane you ignorant slut'). A one liner will suffice. Find a neutral corner and leave the thread alone. There will always be another topic to discuss. When you're at your wits end and want to tell somebody to fuck off, feel free, but let that be your last word on the subject. You can only do that once - otherwise try to explain exactly why you think your opponent is smoking crack, you may convince him to put it down.
Also the pure political propaganda, and publication of events should go over to the Conservative Brotherhood website. Here I prefer, as I said, for people to figure out why the other guy thinks so strangely, as well as your take on current events etc as I bring them up.
I also take many suggestions on the backchannel. You can always tell me what you think via email if you don't want to say it out loud. I always read it and it always weighs on my mind. But I only act on these things forthrightly about 15% of the time. That's because I do get 200 emails a day. Speaking of which, I am going to talk about Kwanzaa again this year - don't despair.
That is all. Have at it. Thank you and welcome.
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