I drove home through the old neighborhood today and I have to make a confession. I honked. No joke, no irony. At Crenshaw and King, people were out in traffic and there was a sign, 'Honk 4 Obama' and homie was jumping up and down. I didn't really wait for the chorus to hear if other folks were honking, I just did it. All I knew at the time was McCain had 8 and Obama had 3. But the temptation was too much to resist.
I had to turn down 'Alligator Woman' which was on the box at the time just to hear my own horn. To the left of me in a Mercedes 600 something was an older man who looked like Kofi Annan, and he was smiling and honking. To the right of me was a middle age black woman in a minivan who seemed completely oblivious to the situation. Behind me was a large older pickup truck which had a camoflage paint job and some weird grillwork out of Mad Max. I had passed it before I came to the stop and I noticed the big sign in the window 'Reparations Now'. I can't tell if the driver was honking. I turned down the music to hear how much honking was going on. Not much. But I had my moment of stolen pleasure.
As I continued to cruise down Crenshaw, there was nothing else happening that matched the enthusiasm of the moment. Most of the signs on the boule were in support of Bernard Parks for one of those jobs for life the LA County Supervisor. He's in a battle against Mark Ridley-Thomas, both black men and Democrats. Both are trying to identify themselves more with Obama than the other. I can't tell whom I'd rather see win. I'm connected to some people who are connected to Ridley-Thomas but Parks is a mensch. Neither of them are particularly inspiring. I don't think I'd ever honk, even for a moment. I have a feeling however that Ridley-Thomas is a much better pol.
So I'm happy for the people that are happy. I toast to joy. For those people who can mark their lives at this moment swooning, my glass is raised to your happiness.
I'll get back to some serious analysis on this later. Right now, I'm like the dad at his knucklehead son's wedding. You won't catch me saying anything rude. Hell, it might even work out better than any of us expected. Obama is ours, we can no better disclaim him than we could the red, white and blue. Obama is going to be our President. For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer until the clock rolls around once again.
I'm throwing rice and I'm honking my horn. Yay America!
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