One of the things we're undoubtedly going to here in the upcoming administration is how it's always the conservatives who are for in the pockets of the capitalist pigs. Yadda yadda. I'm here to tell you different. And why don't we start with one of my favorite fishbrain schemes, greening?
So BO picks his new EPA chief, the one who's going to put all of the coal plants out of business, and finds that he's also got some controversy over, hmm say Hotels. Let's say we discover that most mattresses in the beds of most hotels in America are not quite as 'green' as they should be. Why, I dunno. The average hotel mattress is 6 years old, and having been sprayed with non-biodegradable disnfectants on a daily basis retains dangerously high levels of the carcinogen 'PRx7'. You here this kind of envirospeak all the time. Today we have let's say 15 major hotel chains that control about 70% of the industry...
"President Obama and Nancy Pelosi announce today that they have come up with a groundbreaking announcement that in a bi-partisan agreement working with the leaders of the hospitality industry that they will reduce the number of toxic chemicals used to clean hotel rooms and drastically reduce the number of toxic hotel mattresses..."
So what does that mean?
It means that mom and pop, in order not to be shut down by OSHA and the EPA are going to have to trash all of their mattresses and change to use the newly approved and much more expensive type of disinfectant. Easy for all of the hotel chains that have flat panel TVs in their rooms, not so easy for the smaller ones.
Three years later, you have only 10 major hotel chains and now they control 85% of the industry. But the beds are greener.
This is called progress. It is what Progressives pursue. It is not a Conservative priority. We Conservatives are not generally looking to find ways to declare the status quo untenable. This is the restless energy and bias for action and change that is the hallmark of Progressives, that illustrates how it screws the little guy.
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