I have decided to add Malcolm Gladwell to my T50 project. That is firstly because in his latest book, Outliers, he has encountered some backlash. He's telling people things they don't want to hear, and if it is the stuff I've encountered so far in Outliers, it is very welcome news to my ear. I told my kids about the 10,000 hour rule. Makes perfect sense to me.
Flip Wilson
One of the great showmen of our time. Well, of yesteryear. Flip Wilson was very cool, very funny and not full of himself. Here are some clips.
Three Accelerators
Work is very busy. The Spousal Unit has returned to work and I have to help with the kids more. And I am on an accelerated reading schedule. I finished the very readable 900 page Anathem in four days. I'm in an intellectual groove, so blogging may be light.
I have reserved g-transparency.org for the Transparency Project. It looks like I can only redirect one TypePad blog at a time, so I may have to used another blogging technology. I don't like that.
Midnight Club Los Angeles
It's going to be in my top 10 video games of 2008. I'm still hooked, longer than I thought I'd be.
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