It has been two years since Israeli Cpl Gilad Schalit was kidnapped by militant Palestinians. He's still a bargaining chip that Hamas holds. You would think that they would have learned by now - but they haven't. The rockets red glare has been so frequent that there is even a Kassam weather chart.
Israel is fighting back and the proper response to all this violence is a sad head shake. But unless we are to believe that there is something fundamentally different about war and mankind, we have to acknowledge that sooner or later the Palestinians are not going to have a state. All of their attempts have done nothing but gather angry peasants into bands of suicidal militarists pseudo-governments. Its as if African Americans reconstituted the Black Panthers every three years and called it a 'peace process'. Thankfully, we among the formally dispossed people of the world have learned to live in a true sustained and disciplined peace with our neighbors.
You can expect the usual suspects to fight the Palestinian's propaganda war for them over here in the States. My position hasn't changed. Here's what I wrote three years ago.
...They are not going to change direction. They are the investors in and inventors of the suicide bomb attack on civilians. They have had years to consider their strategies and tactics and now they have deftly and soundly defeated their political opponents. It says quite a bit that those Palestinians most invested in moderation are corrupted beyond repair, and those most single-mindedly focused on disciplined change and reform are hell-bent on the destruction of their neighbors. There is no change to be had. The will of the people has been made manifest, what lies ahead is the inevitable.
The inevitable will be an even more ragtag ethnic Palestinian minority subsumed into a single dominant Israel. The dreams of Palestinian nationalism are about to come crashing down and their inevitable dependence will be made crystal clear. All we need do now is sit back and watch the tortured dreams of the manic and the single-minded madness work its magic. There can be and there will be no Palestinian nation so long as the fundamental expression of its political will is to blame its problems on Israel. And our Secretary of State should withdraw every penny of aid until the new Palestinian government demonstrates its ability and willingness to disband the Hamas Militia. Of course Hamas will not disarm, and its soldiers will not confine themselves to quarters. This is a 'nation' whose fundamental contribution to the region is destructive suicide. We should expect nothing less.
Hamas decided to build more rockets and attempt to terrorize Israelis into submission and curry more favor as every bleeding heart's sick puppy. What a terrible legacy they have brought to people of Gaza.
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