Akindele Akinyemi has been a member of the Conservative Brotherhood for some time now. I'm going to post his end of the year message in its entirety. He is increasingly strident on a fairly strong plank of what I'm calling the Urban Conservative Agenda, this is his manifesto. Another of my commentors and a guy I've seen around the web, Constructive Feedback has this on his mind, as does D Burt the Afronerd. These are activists who have answers for those who ask what are Republicans going to do for the ghetto. More importantly they are on point to ask the very profound question about Democrat and Liberal black leadership - has their monopoly over the past 30 years produced results you can believe in?
I think these folks represent a trend that's going to have a great deal more influence in 2009 as the glow fades off the novelty of the election of Obama and Americans faced with the same problems are going to recognize that change is slow to come for those who wait for it. They have the upper hand when it comes to change, because the black meccas of America have yet to choose Republican leadership.
There are those who would suggest that we now live in an era where 'liberal' and 'conservative' have no meaning. Of course this is wishful thinking. There aren't startling new ideas, there are old proven ones that are discovered late. The Urban Conservative Agenda is a new name for old time religion that was good enough for our great grandparents. Hear Akindele out. He sounds in his message so much like Booker T. Washington that the resemblance is uncanny. The attitude is fierce, uncompromising and confident. The language is clear and to the point using terms that have floated around for a long time. Listen up.
Black families are being brought to their knees in urban communities all across Michigan. We continue to suck off the breast milk of big government while other races of people prosper.
We must begin today to initiate urban conservative principles in order to bring balance in our urban communities. Waiting for the State of Michigan to do something for us is a waste of time, energy and effort. The federal government of the United States cannot help us and therefore we must begin to get out of the poverty-stricken mentality that has plagued us for decades.
Black people in our community do not have a working knowledge on how big government has enslaved us. A majority of the leadership in the Black community reject the idea of free-market enterprises. However, they still want us to latch on to big government and work for less.
This is not leadership but a divisive mindset that has wiped out thousands of Blacks over a period of time. I have said time again of how these same failed policies never work in our community and that we need to begin building conservative networks that will lead to prosperity.
The family is the most important element in revitalizing our community. Building a faith based community based on conservative principle and biblical values are also needed. A third element is the need for educational choice. Any organizations like the NAACP or other Black organizations that feel we do not need educational choice is fooling themselves when we have a severe crisis in our public school system.
School choice is what faith based and civil rights organizations need to jump on board with as we begin another year. Freedom, competition and choice are what have produced the world's most powerful economy. Yet the very factors that have made Michigan great, and have distinguished us from the rest of the world, are prohibited from operating in the education marketplace, where we produce our future citizens and workforce.
Yet, we have Black leaders in the unions, civil rights groups, etc that are against school choice. Are they out of touch with those who want educational choice?
I am urging young people in our community to be part of a greater urban conservative movement that will be based on family and educational values. Far too often we have allowed failed policies to dictate how we live in our homes. The Black churches that support abortions, racism, sexism, same sex relationships, failing public schools and high taxes that we cannot afford are the same ones that are promoting welfare, afraid to talk about HIV/AIDS from the pulpit, allow illicit sex to run rampid in the churches, lack of marriage or single ministries, and have a high divorce rate in the church structure.
This is true. Do not believe me. Look it up.
The Black failed leadership are the ones that get on TV and radio and call Black Republicans "Uncle Toms" and "Sellouts." The real sellouts are them for keeping our children enslaved inside a dangerous Detroit Public School System where safety is non-existent. The current Black establishment in Benton Harbor are sellouts for allowing Blacks to beg for the crumbs that fall from the table from corporations like Whirlpool when we should be building our own community from the ground up.
The current Black leadership are sellouts when they allow same sex relationships to run rampid in our public schools and colleges. The are sellouts when they go to their Democratic conventions and come out of those meetings with no agenda to motivate the community. They have Black Caucuses and nothing comes from this at all but a bunch of old ideas, hate Republicans and ask for more federal funding of social programs (which are a waste of money). These are the same Black folks who feel that if we increase funding for schools that the public schools will improve. I have never seen such Black people running around chasing their tails.
They are the real sellouts because they have been in charge for decades with nothing to show. They have allowed labor and teacher unions to control the political landscape for decades and now there are no jobs. Detroit has an unemployment rate that hovers above 16%. White Republicans are not running Detroit neither are Black Republicans. Guess who is running the infrastructre in our city?
The Black Grassroots community in most areas across the country who promote division and cannot fanthom the fact that all Blacks are not monolithic thinkers are the real Uncle Toms. The reason? Because they are so afraid of White people that they would rather for us to live in inclusion in our own dangerous community than embracing diversity. They are same ones that say charter schools are for White people and produces segregation while they send their children to African Centered or private schools in the suburbs quietly without blowing their Black nationalist cover.They are the same grassroots that criticize the Democratic Party and then turn around and vote Democratic. Not one time in their minds it has registered that you need political balance in urban communities to make a difference. If they do not like the Democratic Party then they are so-called "independent". This is a closet attempt for grassroots activists to be Democratic. Not one have ever voted Republican and not one will ever do so.
Some of our Black churches are sellouts when they promote a victimization/welfare state of mind to destroy Black families in our community. They are sellouts when murder and high taxes become a norm. They are sellouts when they continue to fully support a failed Black Democratic infrastructure in Detroit and the Arabs, Koreans and Indians control the economics in the community. While some of these churches preach about supporting Black owned businesses in Detroit we never talk about how people who owns these businesses lack the most basic customer service skills ever. We cannot open the door of our business on time and we close early. If we own a business like Mc Donald's or Wendy's the restrooms look like hell. You know this to be true.
Should we support Black establishments because they are Black or because they are of quality status? How come the current leadership in the inner city never talk about this in detail?
How come the current sellout leadership never talk about how crime is completely out of control in Detroit? We rank #3 in the United States in violent crime, yet, ourleadership is quiet on this issue. Where are the current Uncle Toms within the city when it comes to preserving employment with young people to keep them here in Detroit? Silence. Why? Because a majority of our Uncle Tom/sellout leadership live outside Detroit just like Black surburban Conservatives. Yet, the Black Conservatives are considered the Uncle Toms.
As long as urban communities are fully controlled by left-wing failed policies our families, police, crime, churches, schools and way of living will be out of complete control. There will never be a solution to the problem unless we begin to diversify our city racially, economically and politically. Otherwise, we will remain crabs in a barrel.
I had to get that off my chest before the end of 2008.
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