If you have an iPhone or iTouch then you need to know that there is a great application for six bucks. It's Wunder Radio and it offers a great interface for you to hear every major and probably just about every minor broadcast radio station in the US. But there are international stations as well.
Right now I'm listening to News Talk FM 93.0 Kingston Jamaica. The Sizzle is the call-in show I'm hearing. Over in Wellington Town, they haven't picked up the garbage in three weeks, and that's the news.
Down in South Africa on Radio Pretoria, they're playing an old Irish ballad. But on Bush Radio they're playing Iggy Pop and Aerosmith.
I tired to get something out of Israel but the only broadcast I could connect to was in Hebrew. But yes they were talking about the war.
This can be very good. Best six bucks I ever spent. Well except for my first In N Out burger.
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