Giving it a name, The Beverly Hill Theory roughly goes a little something like this. BTW, it is something to which I have subscribed for quite some time.
If you are dispossessed, waiting for a calamity to befall the possessors is foolish. You either have to destroy them and everything they own, or you have to admit your desire for the things they have and pursue them. In an American metaphor, if you live in Watts, you don't wait for Beverly Hills to collapse under its own weight and corruption. You move to Beverly Hills.
That's the general sentiment anyway. There's a lot of specificity I left out. My point in introducing a namable concept is to give some context to the complaint that I notice is likely to come about as Obama fails his hopeful constituency and to outline some of my political complacency of late. You see as this WSJ article clearly states, Obama cannot tax the rich to death and solve his problems. He would have to tax the middle class to death as well. Why do I say 'his' problems instead of America's problems? Because all of America doesn't want Obama to try everything he's trying. I reiterate, more bankruptcies (judicial branch), fewer bailouts (executive branch).
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