General Motors is officially a state owned business. Which means it will soon be a state run business. Which means no matter how many people watch the new Transformers movie, them Camaro sales are not going to save it.
So what happened. Well, not to put a fine point on it, GM wrote home from to daddy Obama for some more money so he wouldn't get kicked out of his apartment onto the streets. Except Obama isn't his real dad. GM's real dad is the market, but the market disowned him. So the new adopted dad couldn't bear to see GM out there in the cold, cruel streets despite the fact that GM has thrown in with some roughneck union friends who are shaking him down. Well new dad sent more money and GM is still losing his apartment. So now GM has moved back home and lives under Obama's roof.
The question is now, how many of these street kids, unable to make it on their own are going to end up in Obama's basement.
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