I was just reading something I wrote way back when about racism. I wrote that I would like to see racism ended (or some such) but not as much as I would like a million bucks. The same applies to black conservatism. I would like to see it recognized for the simple and beautiful thing that it is, but not as much as I would like a million bucks. And so that is why I don't spend so much time fighting racism or promoting the Conservative Brotherhood. I'm working on the million bucks.
Last week I found the L. Detweiler letter. If you're old enough to remember or are interested in arcane facts about the internet, you'd find this letter fascinating. Suffice it to say that when that controversy was boiling, it was the hottest topic in the geek universe. And so I'd imagine that it could be said that when I founded the Conservative Brotherhood, it was a fairly interesting matter. I would think that most people do not know what T C May is. You can't Google it. You'd have to know contextually what to look for. But just to give a little context, there was something called the Kleinpaste server. It was named after a dude who no longer stands in the spotlight, but was nonetheless part of an historically significant evolution of a world we take for granted.
So I'll say that I was the founder of the Conservative Brotherhood, and nothing has changed about my attitude towards the principles that impelled me to do so. But I'd rather make a million bucks and time is money.
No political activism is not my passion. It's merely compelling, but not as compelling as the philosophy and theology behind it. And I'm not so passionate about compelling issues as I am for doing right by my family.
If I get the million dollars, I'll have more time to make the Brotherhood all it can be. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Making a million ain't that simple.
Family first.
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