I have been on the mailing list for several conservative organizations for years now. Last week somebody suggested to me, not in their own words, but just pointing to a YouTube of Keith Olbermann, that the teabaggers are a bunch of racists.
So I'm going to throw out a challenge. Anybody who can come up with the racist codewords in the Tea Party Express emails that I've been getting since late July 2009 will win a prize. Now I have no idea what's in most of these emails. I only read about 5-10% of them. In my mail, 'Tea Party Express' shows up 287 times. So if the Tea Party is racist, you should certainly be able to find the language.
By the way. I also get stuff from 'Our Country Deserves Better' also from Vigeurie's Conservative HQ, plus from David Horowitz and Family Security Matters. I'm on the list of Special Guests, The Center for Security Policy, the John Langston Forum and Bill Wilson's Daily Grind. This is how I keep track of the pulse of the Right. I certainly don't read it all, but I catch the drift and get the flavor.
I expect that those who write stuff like the following get all their information second hand.
So I'm prepared to go open source. Show me the magic words that make these guys racist. If you can pick 'em and they show up in my mail, you win 20 bucks and and admission.Those folks wouldn't pee on you to put you out if you were on fire Cobb, part of that is because you are Black (however deep your sense of linked fate may be), so why defend their nonsense?
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