There is a difference between the aims and gains of the Civil Rights Movement and the problems that black Americans have with family.
Black Conservatives recognize, as do most Black Nationalists, that the white liberals who supported the CRM were often also counter-culturalists who rejected EVERYTHING they believed their parents and America stood for.
It has always been possible to accept King's rhetoric of delivering on the promise of liberty for black America without being a free-love hippie, bra-burning feminist, pot-smoking dropout, or anti-Vietnam peacenik. All of that gets mushed up into "The Sixties" as if the only way to be against Jim Crow was to be all of those things like so much of liberal white America was. Nixon knew this which was why he won with his Silent Majority which was none of all that radicalness.
Black cultural nationalism, however slept tight with white liberal radical chic. Just ask David Horowitz. But not everybody believed that black freedom had to come with all the radical left trimmings. So people who sought to reject traditional family values were very influential in black political circles, and African Americans - buying into the myth that EVERYTHING was wrong with America, felt at liberty to reject the conservative message of the black Christian church.
That was the beginning of the end
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