I could care less about the whole confederate thing Michael, but you would have to be blind not to notice the hatred and vitriol at those meetings. Yeah you are right, anyone can say anything they want, but as a Black Man, I have more respect for myself than to be involved with an organization that I have YET to see condemn the racist acts at those rallies. Use another 10 minutes to prove me wrong on that. Also while you are at it, aren't the Republicans and Conservatives the ones who are always demanding that Democrats condemn and repudiate anyone who says ANYTHING controversial, even if it is only controversial to the hypocrites making it up. At the same time, people on the conservative side can do all manner of ridiculous, decisive BS and standard bearers want to pooh pooh, blame the media for having the audacity to cover the rally and film the lunatics who forgot their sheets but not their rhetoric.... The same people would have an issue if the media was NOT there. Cant have it both ways.... You are an intelligent man, and someone I happen to respect. But you are out on a limb here, defending the indefensible. I have to wonder what some of your Progressive APHIA brothers would say to this. Plain and simple. I think Black People who stand shoulder to shoulder with people who are racist, are themselves at best delusional and at worst self hating black people.
I believe there is a place for Black Conservatives, but I think part of the responsibility of being a black conservative is to demand respect, rather than playing the "intellectual" racially ambiguous role so many conservatives play. I believe that Black Conservatives are going to find themselves on the wrong side of history. Maligned by fellow black people, disrespected by the party they support, and missing a great opportunity to be part of History. Lets say Obama becomes a great president. One day our great grandchildren will ask did we vote for the first black president. I will be proud to say yes, that I helped close the circle started by our ancestors free and slave.... How tragic that some of my Brothers and Sisters missed that opportunity, and more tragic that they continue to wipe the spit off their face, from the very people that they so virulently support."
I know that all some people want are apologies. But I'm not going there. I apologize when I mislead people in something that I said, but I don't apologize for other people's actions.
I guess that one of the key takeaways I want people to understand is that here is the falseness of 'unity' being exemplified. And what I'm saying in particular is that the people who are saying that the Tea Party is essentially racist is saying in fact that this is the most important thing about it. Because you can't take any racist politics seriously. Americans won't stand for it.
So that's all for today. I found some cool podcast tools and I'm going to bone up on that - yes at the expense of my technical stuff. But I need some clarity expressed here.
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