Dear Sirs,
I have an idea that I think will allow you to add value to your customers. It is a bag check & laundry service.
As a frequent business traveler I am subject to the enhanced security procedures at all the airports, and for this I suffer not being able to carry my favorite toiletries etc. Now that the airlines have started charging for checking a single bag, it is now more expensive and inconvenient than ever. For a simple flat rate I would gladly have Marriott keep an extra bag over the weekend (when I fly home) and provide a laundry fee. I think $30 is a fair price.
If I have a six week consulting engagement out of town, it would cost me $50 a week to check a second bag to and fro. It would be so much more convenient to have Marriott keep that bag for me and provide cleaning at a discount to this rate. Even at the same price, I would rather have Marriott take care of my bag at the hotel of my choice rather than to lug it back and forth to the airport and then do my own laundry at home. For longer term engagements, the advantage is even greater. I would pay cash or miles for this kind of convenience.
Many of your better hotels are already providing some of this service. Checking my bag at the front desk over the weekend is something I have done from time to time. But the real added value, and very likely source of profit for you, is to process the laundry.
Please consider this business. I think it would be a big differentiation for Marriott in a competitive market. All of my colleagues are ready for this service now.
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