When 9/11 occurred. I didn't have a blog. I wasn't familiar with the technology, but I followed some dotted lines and made my predictions. The biggest thematic prediction I made was that we were witnessing the end of the nation-state as we now know it. I had read a bit too much into the possible goodness of phyles via Neal Stephenson, and I thought they might be a good idea. But I wasn't truly prepared for the consequences of the loss of the nation-state. Neither are you.
And yet I cannot help but think about the privatization of civics and the pollution of the public square. What's the end game? Where is the tectonic shift? We've fallen off the cliff. How long we freefall painlessly until we smack a ledge that wakes us into grabbing for vines and branches? Or do we go to the bottom?
I want to know the financial meltdown scenario that makes us vulnerable to conventional war.
Back in 2007 before Bear Stearns collapsed, we knew that the default rate was up. I can recall it being said that Wall Street would lose maybe 600 Billion of market capitalization. So I said wake me when Citibank is hurt. Two years later Citibank became a zombie bank and the first TARP bailout was bigger than 600 Billion. But still nobody talks aloud about the full faith and credit of the US. The retard in the Oval Office expects us to run on hope, and he hopes we don't mind paying for whatever his minions think it too big to fail - like healthcare systems that haven't even been built yet. He sells this manure based on 10 year projections.
I'm thinking that maybe Americans will organize a tax strike. I have a feeling something like that will materialize. That is, unless somebody is ready to fire five million bureaucrats and flatten the tax code.
I want to know the financial meltdown scenario that makes domestic politics turn violent.
What do you think? Why is nobody thinking the unthinkable?
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