And probably should step down for saying that Afghanistan is not our fight. What a maroon.
Bill Kristol hands him his ass hat.
What's crazy is that Afghanistan is the place I think Obama is most vulnerable to issues that matter most to me, geopolitics. And quite frankly nobody is looking to the Republican Party apparatus, much less to Michael Steele to figure out what to do and think through this bad economy. I think what can truly be said of Steele's tenure is that it has been completely overshadowed by the likes of the Tea Party activists, Glenn Beck's personality and the mendacity of Obama's rhetoric. Not one home run from Steele. Not even an RBI. Just a bunt to get on base and then maybe one steal.
He had the opportunity to demonstrate some erudition and class, but I guess he wasn't up to it after all. How he could come out so ass-backwards has me a bit baffled. Oh well. Steele goes the way of Gerald Ford. Actually, not measuring up there either. Time's up. Next.
Of course there will be no next. The GOP remains in disarray, incapable of calling Congress on the carpet, stonewalling Sotomayor, defending proper banking (or even defining it), or suppressing its half-wits. Both parties are in a state of default.
Sometimes I think that Chief Justice Roberts is the only dread pirate around.
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