When all the soldiers come back from Iraq, where will the extra money go? I think it's already gone. It went to TARP.
Carlin says that we haven't had a peacetime economy since the end of WW2. So maybe he's never heard of Google or Apple. How much would you say the military industrial complex uses Macs and iPhones? Oh by the way, for the record, here's a little research.
If you invested in Lockheed Martin and Raytheon the week before 9/11 and kept your money in those two until now, you would have made 179% and 184% respectively. That's about the same as if you bet your money on Microsoft where you would have made 182%. All three of these are way better than the S&P which got you 104%. But Oracle would have gotten you 229%. Google would have gotten you.. OK well Google didn't exist on 9/11. But it would have gotten you better than 400% if you bought it in 2004. Now Apple stock was at $8.64 just before 9/11. Think about that for a minute. Today you can buy that for 276.57 after a 2 for 1 split. You do the math.
We just haven't had big enough wars to make a real difference economically. But I'm willing to be persuaded otherwise. Is there any warmonger that's made as much money for investors as Steve Jobs?
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